Usage Based Billing: Strategic Pricing that Grows Value

Whether you choose pay-as-you-go, set up tiered usage plans, offer volume-based discounts, or implement usage thresholds, our platform takes the complexity out of usage based billing by offering unparalleled billing flexibility to your business.

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Why Consider Usage Based Billing?

Usage based billing is fair, flexible, transparent, and future-proof. Customers often churn as a result of underutilized subscriptions that charge flat-fees. With usage based billing you don’t run the risk of losing customers due to subscription fatigue and allow customers to scale effortlessly based on their needs.  

Unleash the Power of Highly Flexible Usage-Based Billing

Your pricing strategy is a key lever in adding value to your company, and with SubscriptionFlow’s advanced usage-based billing software, you have the flexibility to experiment with multiple pricing models. From pay-as-you-go to tiered, volume-based, or stair step pricing, our platform empowers you to fine-tune and optimize your approach. Finetune what works best and grow your bottom line.

Why SubscriptionFlow?

SubscriptionFlow’s SaaS billing and subscription management system caters to the special needs of SaaS businesses.

  • Pay-as-you-go Pricing
  • Tiered Pricing
  • Volume-based Pricing
  • Threshold Pricing
Pay-as-you-go Pricing

Pay-as-you-go Pricing

Offer endless convenience to customers with pay-as-you-go pricing. Imagine an automated usage based billing system that effortlessly crunches usage data, calculates precise charges based on unit pricing, and seamlessly generates invoices. Let’s say an electric supply company charges at a rate of 23 cents per kilo-watt hour (kWh) of electricity consumed. A customer who utilizes 800 killo-watt hours will be charged $184 at the end of the month by simply multiplying the price of one unit ($0.23) with the total units consumed (800). It’s simple, transparent and caters seamlessly to fluctuating usage needs.

Price Your Way

Tiered Pricing

Offer smooth scalability with tiered usage-based plans with each tier corresponding to a unique unit price point. Usage based billing software tracks when consumption transitions into a higher tier and automatically calculates the precise amount to invoice. Let’s say a cloud storage service offers a tiered plan that costs $0.03/GB up to 100 GB and $0.02/GB above 100 GB. A customer who uses 150 GB is charged at the rate of $0.03/GB for the first 100 GB, and $0.02/GB for the additional 50 GB. The invoice will show this breakdown as 100 * $0.03 + 50 * $0.02 or $4. As usage grows, the per-unit cost decreases, offering savings for higher consumption.

Volume-based Pricing

Implement volume based pricing that defines a range of usage associated with a single price per unit. When the volume of usage grows beyond this range, the per unit price drops. The more your customers use, the better value they get. Consider a project management SaaS that costs $50 per seat within a range of 1-10 users. When the number of users exceeds this volume, the price for a single seat drops to $35. This could incentivize your end consumer to migrate their processes to your system and get a better deal. Unlike tiered pricing that prices units differently as your customer travels up the tiers, volume-based pricing charges the same price for all units which depends on what range your usage falls under.

Threshold Pricing

Threshold Pricing

Offer usage plans based on threshold pricing, if you rather define a usage cut-off than a range. Similar to volume based logic, the price per unit changes based on the consumption limits you set up. Your customers stay in control, and pay only when they cross the threshold and a robust usage based billing logic ensures that the threshold crossing event is monitored so customers can be billed precisely the right amount. Consider a digital newspaper subscription that allows consumers to read their first two articles for free, but pay $5 per article when they cross that threshold. For a small subscription fee, you can offer readers access to all articles in a winning approach used by The New York Times.

Automated Billing Cycles: Usage-Based Billing Made Simple

Transform your billing with unparalleled flexibility through customizable usage-based pricing options. Combine usage based billing with flat-fee subscriptions, calendar date billing, and one-time charges for comprehensive billing automation. Automate the calculation of overage charges when usage exceeds allowances, and rollover credits and expiration dates for airtight control over your billing processes. 

Deliver detailed and customized invoices showcasing charge breakdowns that offer unparalleled transparency and leverage insights into usage patterns to expand your accounts. With SubscriptionFlow you can implement usage based billing with precision, security, and flexibility minus the complexity!

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Frequently Asked Questions

SubscriptionFlow’s usage-based billing is unique because it offers accurate tracking and billing based on actual service usage. You are guaranteed equitable and clear pricing, which is perfect for companies with different customer usage patterns.

SubscriptionFlow tracks precise usage data through direct postage or API integration. It then transparently bills and invoices customers based on this tracking service usage. You can also monitor trial and product/service utilization and generate comprehensive billing reports. 

Yes, it offers flexible billing options to meet a range of customer needs while adapting smoothly to changing usage rates. With its dynamic pricing feature, SubscriptionFlow offers scalability and flexibility by allowing billing to be adjusted based on actual usage.

With real-time usage insights from SubscriptionFlow, billing adjustments can be made quickly, and customer transparency is increased. Businesses can make educated decisions by staying informed about usage patterns thanks to this feature.

It gives customers value and control over their service expenditure by matching costs to consumption. Customers pay only for the services they use—it’s an affordable and open billing option.