Data-Driven Subscription Insights to Grow Revenue Streams

Beat the competitive heat with robust analytics, custom reporting tools, customizable dashboards, and real-time data insights.

Real-Time Analytics Reporting And Actionable Insights

Convert more while increasing customer retention. Businesses require actionable subscription insights reporting and analytics in order to stay ahead of the game because surprises are for the unequipped.

Custom Subscription Dashboards for Advanced Analytics and Reporting

Keep track of all the right subscription metrics with custom reports that cater to the aspects that matter the most to your business along with important KPIs:


Advanced Reporting for Subscription Businesses

SubscriptionFlow offers businesses a 360-degree view of their operations and progress reports with custom fields such as:

Data-Driven Decision Making

In-depth data analytics and reports based on this data will help you take a futuristic decision that will ensure persistent and sustainable business growth. This data-driven approach will help you with:


Integrate to Get Marketing Insights, Analytics and More!

Other than its own robust reporting and analytics system, SubscriptionFlow also offers you the versatility to integrate marketing tools such as HubSpot and MailChimp to get event data analytics and insights and identify integral points for intervention in the buyer’s journey for successful marketing strategies.

Reduce the effort it takes to identify your buyer persona by integrating marketing platforms that work with your existing data to predict consumer behaviour and narrow down target audiences.

You’ve Got Questions. We’ve Got Answers.

SubscriptionFlow generates automated reports and analytics for merchants to understand customer behaviors, customer journeys, and buyers’ persona. Understanding customers’ behavior is important for strategizing, planning, and drawing prospects. Moreover, with analytics and reporting you can also estimate recurring revenue and its potential. With reporting feature of SubscriptionFlow, all metrics such as retention metrics, renewal rate, churn rate, revenue churn rate, and much more help you gain insight into your subscription business health.

SubscriptionFlow’s dashboard offers you custom views. You can choose what analytics you want to monitor every day. However, its default view offers metrics like sales, sale reversals, payments, refunds, MRR, ARR, and activations.

MRR stands for Monthly Recurring Revenue. It entails the predictable recurring revenue generated by your business from all subscriptions in the time span of a month. It will give you an insight into how much you made in a month. It is a key metric for SaaS and subscription-based businesses.

ARR stands for Annual Recurring Revenue. It entails the predictable recurring revenue generated by your business from all subscriptions on an annual basis.

SubscriptionFlow integrates different software, tools, and applications in order to provide you with a seamless experience in handling:

  • Recurring Billing
  • Automated Invoicing
  • Sales Management

As it is a one-stop solution you will not need to switch between windows and tabs, rather you will find everything in one place – synced and automated. With automation and cloud-based software, your data will be managed in an organized manner accessing it remotely without any hassle.