
OnHold Marketing & Communications, Inc. was established in 1994 to offer the best on holding messaging services. They have a team of professionals who find essential information about the client and use it to come up with effective on-hold messages. They have multi-lingual scriptwriters, professional announcers, and sound engineers to create on-hold messages. 

Today, they are catering to various clients all over the US and have a considerable international clientele as well. They provide consultancy so that their customers can find affordable marketing solutions.

Marketing & Advertising

11-50 Employees

New York City

OnHold Customer Success Journey

The Challenges

OnHold Marketing & Communications fulfil the recurring needs of their clients by providing various on-hold marketing services. SubscriptionFlow offers them the platform to manage their marketing plans and pricing and subscriptions for different clients.

The challenges that SubscriptionFlow succeeded to beat for this project include:

OnHold Marketing & Communications Inc offers subscriptions for on-hold messaging services. They have B2B business, and any mistake in billing and invoicing can not only affect their relations with clients but also their repute in the market. They needed a flawless subscription billing management system.  One of the biggest issues for magazines and periodicals is to manage their subscribers because they are diverse. It is even more complex when there is more than one subscription plan. SubscriptionFlow had to provide them with a system where they could devise and manage subscription plans and billing & invoicing against these plans accurately.


OnHold Marketing & Communications is one of the oldest clients of SubscrptionFlow. They are still on board because they find this subscription handling platform and services of SubscriptionFlow beneficial.

Time and money both are the resources that a business needs to use wisely. Since OnHold Marketing & Communications has shifted to SubscriptionFlow, they have been able to use these resources in the best way because the recurring billing and the payment processing is handled automatically. Now, they have a better chance to focus on their core business. SubscriptionFlow has helped OnHold Marketing & Communications Inc team to progress and grow.


The team from of experts from OnHold Marketing & Communications contacted the passionate professionals at SubscriptionFlow. Teams from both sides conducted various sessions to provide them with a holistic subscription management solution.



The SubscriptionFlow dedicated its best resources to fulfil the recurring billing and payment management needs of OnHold Marketing & Communications, Inc. There is a B2B relation between these two companies. They can manage their recurring billing process through the SubscriptionFlow platform. Other than subscription billing management, there are a few things related to payment management in the pipeline.

Accurate billing is the first step to developing a relationship of trust with the customer. The recurring billing management software of SubscriptionFlow is AI-based that ensures accuracy in the billing process. SubscriptionFlow team has also integrated the subscription handling software with an efficient CRM to offer OnHold Marketing & Communications a business solution to manage all business activities on the same platform.

Integrations enhance the functionalities of software. So, SubscriptionFlow integrated with third-party applications play role in performing different business processes.

SubscriptionFlow fulfils the business needs of OnHold Marketing & Communications, Inc the way they want.

Looking Forward

SubscriptionFlow has used its resources to fulfill the business requirements of OnHold Marketing & Communications, Inc. Today, they are running their business proficiently. Team SubscriptionFlow expects to further strengthen its relationship with OhHold Marketing & Communications, Inc