Billing and Payments Management-for-Coworking-Spaces

SubscriptionFlow Powers Billing and Payments for Coworking Spaces – All Under One Umbrella

The seamless management of coworking places drives the business into a new arena of scalability ad marketability. But, the point to ponder is if it’s rightly being executed or not?

We are here to answer all your queries about coworking management whilst acquainting you with the features of our platform to manage your coworking space through automation and tech-savvy technologies.

Manage your Billing and Payments in SubscriptionFlow

Coworking business operations are distinct from others and to manage it all seamlessly, one needs to equip themselves with coworking space management software.

Coworking management software aligns all the processes and operations that help in growing the business effectively.

From billing, invoicing, and payment management, to check-ins, addons, overcharges, room and desk management, and more, all is done under one umbrella of the coworking space management software.

This article will reflect on the coworking spaces and how SubscriptionFlow will give you all. So, no need to sweat at anything because we are here to do it all for you.

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Billing Management

Billing management acts as the lifeblood of managing coworking spaces, therefore, it is important to streamline all the processes and manage them.

Billing management for the coworking spaces is primarily determined by the variables across which the billing may vary. The variables are room allocation, slots, miscellaneous charges (technical support, access to Wi-Fi internet, office equipment, etc) for using different resources while working at the coworking space, and most importantly- subscription plans.

Billing management involves taking into consideration all the factors such as setting prices, managing invoices, and tracking payments.

These are the core features that are integral to the success of a business as it builds customer experience. Through our platform, you can execute billing management for your business. Our feature of conversion tracking enables you to keep the track of invoices that have been already sent to the users.

Tracking the invoices would help you to check the invoices that have been paid, unpaid, and that have failed. We offer invoice customization with which you can customize the invoice templates and details such as translating the languages, regional taxes, and much more.

The recurring billing software is extremely useful in managing revenue and predicting it as well. With that being said, you can have access to different billing models that suits their interest more and streamline their operations without going through the routine hurdles.

Read more: Leverage SubscriptionFlow To Make Recurring Invoicing Process More Efficient

Pricing and Payment Management

If you want to scale the business and ace among your competitors then the key is optimal pricing management.

Optimal pricing management is only achieved when it’s done right using automation and strategies, of course.

For the coworking spaces, especially providing subscriptions or even without it, you can make optimized pricing plans for the products or offers through our software.

Create products as much as you want and create pricing plans against them seamlessly. Being a highly customizable platform, you can create custom modules and set them accordingly for the customers.

In addition to the aforementioned features, you can select different pricing models such as hybrid pricing model, usage-based pricing model, tiered pricing, flat-free pricing, or customized pricing model as per the ease and convenience of the user.

Our platform will help you manage recurring billing and curate pricing strategies effortlessly. Make it a cinch for your and your customers without any hassle.

Define your pricing strategy now, optimize it, and manage the business operations with the masterstroke of our pricing features and solutions.

Read more: Choosing Subscription Pricing Models to Maximize Conversion and Boost

Proration Management

Proration management is one of the important features of both billing and pricing management.

Proration, for coworking space, is a significant element as some customers want to pay only when for the time, they use the space.

It is a great strategy for acquiring customers, especially for the ones who have just started their venture and want to grow opportunities without increasing their capital.

SubscriptionFlow handles proration very skillfully. Adding proration to your pricing strategy creates a win-win situation for both the merchant and the client as there is no loss but gains only.

Our proration is tech-savvy with which you can specify the services along with the proration charges that they will be able to access.

Furthermore, create customized invoices for the proration which also entails the customizations for invoices. Hence, create automated invoices and send them seamlessly with our invoicing and billing management.

Read more: What is Prorated Subscription Billing? How Can It Benefit the Recurring Revenue? And, What Are The Risks Of Not Using the Prorated Billing? Learn More About Optimal Billing

Payment gateways and Payment Methods

Payment gateways and payment methods give you the hold of your revenue stream as clients can pay timely only if the resources are opened to them.

SubscriptionFlow provides multiple payment gateways and methods so that there is smooth cash flow. With multiple integrations for the payment gateways, we ensure that payments are processed without any delay.

Customers can pay with the method they want to. Through our platform, you can accept payments from various payment methods such as debit cards, credit cards, digital wallets, and much more.

SubscriptionFlow is not limited to the mentioned ones, as we provide API integrations and ready to go an extra mile for our clients.

No restrictions but more jurisdictions!

Here is the table that educates about the payment gateways and payment methods on SubscriptionFlow.

SubscriptionFlow Payment Methods


SubscriptionFlow Payment Gateways


Self-Service portal

With SubscriptionFlow’s self-service portal, you can give allow your customers to access their portals. This will give them freedom in their selections and will be more independent.

Through the self-service portal, they can manage their bookings such as pre-bookings, slot management, and room allocations, along with the miscellaneous services.

Enable them to manage their invoices, payments, and billings so that they have access to all of it.

Albeit the fact that you can allow your customers to have access to the self-service portal, merchants have the authority to make customizations on the dashboard.

SubscriptionFlow is a highly customizable platform that enables you to make personalization and customization. If you want to add modules, hide modules, or make custom changes – all is yours, go ahead!

Membership Management

Even though the idea of subscriptions overlapped with membership, a slight hue of difference makes them distinctive from each other.

If you provide membership to your customers then you can easily manage it all through our coworking space software management platform.

Our robust membership management system equips merchants with every feature and solution to manage it all with efficacy.

From billings, pricing, and invoicing, to customization, CRM tools, integrations, and much more, let SubscriptionFlow manage it all for you and be the game-changer.

Coupons, Discounts, and Sales Tax on Checkout Pages

Imagine offering coupons and discounts, but later they are not executed properly? It’s a bad occurrence that should be kept at bay.

Our robust billing and pricing management software executes coupons and discounts seamlessly. Powered by automation, the pricing is calculated and displayed to the customers when they proceed to checkout. Our hosted payment pages are the paragon of providing a frictionless experience to the customers and with that being said, you can customize HPP and make configurations to it the way you want.

You are only one click away from implementing our HPP onto your website. So, what are you waiting for? Head to SubscriptionFlow and get it all done for you!

Analytics and Reporting

Tracking your business sales, revenue, customers, and other operations have proven to be a lot more helpful if seen with foresightedness.

With our robust analytics and reporting, you can keep track of your customer’s journey, recurring revenue, customer behavior, and much more.

Get reports for your sales revenue, monthly recurring revenue (MRR), annually recurring revenue (ARR), and many other actions that you want to have reports of.

Extract the summaries, in case, you want to have the summaries for subscriptions, you can get this all from the dashboard.

Automated booking system for desks and meeting rooms

For coworking spaces, one of the most important factors is to keep checking on the booking system for the desks, meeting rooms, or conferencing rooms along with the time allocation.

With pre-booking, customers can book slots for them and save time. The automated booking system unties all the knots that you had experienced.

The coworking space subscription management software and SubscriptionFlow’s customer relationship management tool for SaaS businesses allow managing all the booking systems effortlessly. Automation has made the booking easier as you will not have to go through the hassle of moving to and fro without any significant results.

You can check slots for pre-booking and also if you need extra working hours for the allocated system. All gets updated with every action both at the customer’s end. Moreover, the overage charges are also presented to the client looking for coworking spaces.

With that being said, you can manage all the booking systems, pre-booking, slot management, desk, and meeting room allocation on SubscriptionFlow’s platform.

Bottom Line

Coworking spaces are rapidly increasing and seeing this, SubscriptionFlow has extended its platforms and services for them.

We offer a wide platform where you can manage it all through our CRM, integrations, features, and solutions.

If you are looking for coworking space management software, SubscriptionFlow is the answer!

Schedule a demo, NOW!