
A Step By Step Guide To Build And Sell Self-Development And Self-Care Services

The modern lifestyle has entirely changed the way people live. Along with many other things modernism has introduced new ways to teach and learn. A few years back, there was no concept of online courses, but today, the trend of these courses has been established. At present, people who are eager to increase their learning can find courses for almost every type of skill.

These days people from all age groups are keen on self-development and self-care courses. A wave of awareness has urged many to pay heed to mental and physical well-being. Even WHO has announced 24th July as the International Self-Care Day.

Now that the interest in self-care and self-development is increasing, many instructors have come forth to offer relevant courses. But it is not easy to capitalize on this opportunity to offer self-care courses. By the end of this article, you will know the scope of self-care courses, the way to monetise self-care & development courses on subscription management software, and how to set up a subscription engine to offer these courses.

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Scope of Self-Care & Self-Development Courses

Before you delve into the details of the process to devise the self-care course and strategy to sell it, it is crucial to know the dimensions of the market. It helps in launching the business when competition is already cutthroat.

When it comes to self-care & development, many instructors offer varying services. The following are some common self-care services that customers look for:

  • Yoga & fitness classes
  • Birthing & antenatal classes
  • Beauty courses
  • Courses for soft skills
  • Therapeutic courses

Recently, coronavirus spread has given a boost to the growing self-care and development courses. People, all across the globe, are depressed, they are isolated, and the situations in many countries are still ambiguous. But the learning should not be stopped. People have realized that they have to utilize this time. Many instructors are shifted to e-lectures.

If you are interested in offering self-care and self-development courses, then you will need to follow the process that is going to be discussed.

Also Read: Fitness Industry is Proliferating with Automated Recurring Payments-This Is Why Gyms, Yoga, and Training Centers Should Capitalize On Subscription-Based Services

Target the Right Audience

If you think that the self-care services that you are going to offer are for everyone, you are probably mistaken. When you have to decide the targeted audience, there are many factors that need to be taken into consideration. For instance, if you have planned a course for restorative yoga, then you cannot expect healthy people to join in the classes. Your targeted audience is clearly the people who look for some healthy activity after a mental trauma or physical injury.

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Create the Course Content after Research

Experts say, in the subscription business market, customer satisfaction is the key to success. As the best billing model that you opt to offer self-care course is recurring billing, satisfy the customers for the success of your business. When it comes to satisfying the learners, the first thing that you will need to work on is the content of the course. To devise the right course outline, you can get help from similar pieces of content on different online course platforms. Other than that you can see if people would pay for the content that you are going to provide.

Price Your Online Course the Right Way

The best business model that you can opt for self-care and self-development courses is a subscription billing business model. Just consider this scenario that you have come up with a fitness course. People need persistence when it comes to maintaining fitness. The best way to keep instructing and monitoring the results of your course will need to divide the course into various phases. Price every phase rightly so that your trainees stay satisfied and you get recurring revenue.

While deciding the price for your self-care course, you will need to see the value and quality of the course that you have designed. Here, your content will help you bring potential leads on board. Some of the pricing plans that you can opt for the subscriptions of your self-care course include:

  • Flat Fee—is the single price that you set for a specified time period.
  • Free course—is more like a freemium where you offer your initial courses free of cost but upsell the advanced self-development and self-care courses. This pricing model can bring comparatively more potential leads.
  • Multiple subscription plans—you can offer your students more than one subscription plan so that you can cater to maximum students.

Which pricing model suits your self-care course depends on the type of course and the audience that you are targeting. However, the lucrative thing about the subscription business model is that you can play with pricing. Improvise pricing to charge your students that can keep them satisfied and maintain the recurring revenue flow.

If you intend to offer an online self-care course, you will need to look for online course platforms where you can reach out to the targeted audience. Learning Management Platforms (LMS) are just like classrooms but in the digital world where you can post videos for the courses that you are offering.

Also Read: Subscription Pricing Consultants—Learn How to Set and Fine-Tune Subscription Pricing For Improved Recurring Revenue with SubscriptionFlow

The Marketing & Sales Strategy for Your Self-Care Course

Other than opting for a subscription business model, using the best subscription software, and deciding the right price of your self-care course you will need appropriate marketing & sales strategy to sell your course to the maximum number of students. A perfectly planned marketing strategy can help you achieve sales targets.

  • Build a landing page for your self-care course
  • Get the services of SEO experts if you want to sell your online self-care course to the targeted audience.
  • Work on your social media presence.

Whether you are offering self-care courses on subscriptions in the digital world (online courses) or in the real world, you will need to market your courses digitally. The sales targets cannot be achieved without a perfect marketing strategy. And the first thing in the sales funnel is awareness. Nothing can help more than marketing to create awareness in the targeted audience regarding your self-care course.

A Tip To Turn Your Self-Care Services Into Successful Business

There are so many options for customers when it comes to subscriptions for self-care services. It is not surprising if you are thinking about the competition in the market. However, team SubscriptionFlow has a tip for you that can help you stand out among many people who are offering self-care courses.

Your course should urge people to show commitment to achieving goals.

If have a plan to offer an online course, then you can onboard the subscription management software—SusbcripionFlow. Here you cannot only manage subscribers for your self-care and self-development course but you can consult with a team of experts if there are ambiguities in offering self-care courses.