The Yoga Market is Growing At An Exponential Rate-Learn How Yoga Subscriptions and Yoga Subscription Boxes Are Contributing In the Rise of Healthy Living
The deceptive knack of our minds often misleads us, particularly, when it is about our physical and mental health. But, the body shows how much life is stressed and how immensely things are needed to calm down. It opens the windows from where you can get the breeze of serene and recreation for your mind, too.
Yoga helps to open the doorways leading you to the paths of healthy, stressless, and peaceful living.
Yoga has seen an amplitude in regard, particularly, after the onset of the COVID-19. People all over the world took to their yoga mats during lockdowns and are willing to continue their yoga practices in post-COVID routines.
With its huge popularity, Yoga becomes a recurring need for healthy and peaceful living. To fulfil the recurrence in this need, recurring billing based business model supported the rise of yoga.
This article takes on how yoga subscriptions are evolving and growing at a breakneck pace. We will also dig into what different subscription-based yoga businesses are easing the yoga lifestyle being adopted by people all over the world.
Yoga—An Art of Healthy and Peaceful Living
For thousands of years, yoga is devotedly being practised by hundreds of thousands of people across the East. It, now, has made its ways to the avenues of the west with its messages of tranquillity and healthy living.
People regardless of their age, believes, gender, region, and status are increasingly adopting the yoga practices and making it their way of living to calm down their internal turmoil, release the toxicity from their physical body and soul, too.
People are convinced that Yoga can do wonders because Science has backed all the claims made for Yoga effectiveness. Studies suggest that Yoga contributes to improving cardiovascular issues, physical fitness, balance, and flexibility, reduces stress, and eases anxiety, depression, and other mental confusions and restlessness.
Studies support the claims that people doing Yoga are far stronger and healthier than those who don’t. National Health Interview Survey conducted in 2012 found that Yoga motivated more than 60 percent to exercise more and eat healthier.
Yoga does not improvise physical and mental well-being only, it also enhances the sense of community and self-discipline and motivates people for kindness, active participation, and self-actualization.
Yoga and Post-Covid Well-Being
In these chaotic times where every work-life balance line has been blurred when everyone is pushed to continue working from home. People are tired of restrictions, afraid of contagious virus, worried about financial turmoil, and stressed about the new isolated and unsocial living.
This all has put enormous pressure on an individual. It was not a surprise when people turned to Yoga to maintain their physical and mental well-being when all the outdoor activities, gyms, and other fitness studios are forced to shut down.
This has put enormous pressure on people’s physical and mental wellbeing, while gyms and yoga studios were forced to shut down.
Experts are agreed that yoga is a great way to help people to deal with the lockdown repercussions on an individual’s fitness and mental well-being. It boosts immunity, helps them to regain balance, and mitigate the risks of overstressing living.
Déborah Nguyen, Communications Officer at the World Food Programme in South Africa and yoga teacher for UN employees, told UNRIC: “It was a little strange at first, to be alone in front of my computer in yoga clothes, giving lessons to colleagues from a distance. But I’m happy to receive so many messages from people around the world thanking me.”
The new subscriptions in yoga studios, personal training programs, meditation programs, digital yoga platforms, and yoga subscription boxes have skyrocketed amid the lockdowns all over the world.
The Upswing Yoga Market—Size, Growth Rate, and Demographics
Yoga is becoming the universal fitness religion for health and well-being. It is not only an exercise, it is rather a lifestyle that contributes to a full-scale transmission for the body as well as mind.
According to a survey conducted by the Yoga Alliance and Yoga Journal, an increase of 4x has been reported in the Yoga practitioners in the United States, alone. The report further outlined that 9 out of 10 people heard about yoga and 1 in 3 have tried it, and more than 30 percent have shown willingness to opt for Yoga in the coming year.
The population of Yoga practitioners is mostly constituted of women, however, men indulging in Yoga has now more than doubled.
Yoga is now a prosperous business in the United States. It is estimated that a regular yoga practitioner spends $62,640 over their lifetime on classes, workshops, and accessories. This is how the Yoga market is expanding.
The Subscription-Based Yoga Market
After the word-of-mouth outreach, social media and online ads are playing a huge part in exposing the newbies to yoga. And, the subscription business model is helping further the yoga industry to grow with its no-commitment, affordable, and reliable recurring billing and payment solutions.
People prefer to do yoga at home and are paving the ways for more and more yoga instructors and teachers to offer their services on a recurring basis. Followed by home, gyms, yoga studios, digital yoga platforms, outdoors, yoga recreational settings, and yoga events are the preferences.
Other than silent and dance yoga, some other trends of yoga include laughter, aerial yoga, aqua yoga, naked yoga, and more.
Not only the yoga practice subscriptions are on the rise, but the yoga subscription market has also expanded to yoga supplies, healthy food supplies, and more.
Also Read: Gift Subscriptions—The Powerful Business Growth Approach to Grow your Customer Base and Revenue Net
Yoga and Other Complementing Services Subscriptions—The Business Boosting Trends
Surveys suggest that people are willing to spend money to gain a peaceful experience and deal with their physical and mental well-being issues like to reduce work and relationship stress, to improve physical strength, to live a happy and relaxed living, to lessen the feeling of loneliness, to unplug from tech living, etc.
Yoga Studio Memberships
Yoga studio subscriptions or memberships is the business model of the yoga industry from the beginning and is still the most popular one. Yoga studios provide yoga practitioners with a relaxing ambience and calm surrounding to practice meditation and yoga exercises and aloof themselves from distractions and restlessness. Those who have started Yoga during lockdowns have flocked to the Yoga studios after the lockdowns ease. It is a huge business opportunity to offer the Yoga studio memberships and offer them more by clubbing it with other services like yoga supplies, yoga equipment, yoga training digital platform subscriptions, guided yoga subscriptions with personal yoga expert, etc.
Personal Yoga Training Subscriptions
Often people who are lonely or older seek the path of Yoga to attain a sense of fulfilment. Personal Yoga trainers help them to find more accuracy without being lost in the other distractions.
Personal Yoga teachers also keep them motivated and committed. This is how yoga trainers and teachers offer their services as subscriptions at their places or at yoga studios.
Yoga Equipment Subscriptions
After the outbreak of COVID-19, people are stressed from being house arrested. They needed recreational as well as healthy ways to release their worries, fears, and tension. Yoga provided them with the opportunity to explore themselves. It increases the demand for yoga equipment.
As the yoga equipment is not as costly as the equipment for other fitness programs are, so people in huge numbers have also turned to the yoga equipment. Comparatively, the yoga equipment also does not take up that much space and are easier to use.
The yoga equipment subscriptions further make it affordable for people living in an apartment or smaller abode to go for this useful option.
Yoga Event Subscriptions
Yoga annual or seasonal mega-events or festivals draw hundreds of thousands of yoga enthusiasts. The grand events provide them to become a part of the growing community, indulge in great practices of yoga, learn new aasans, and learn more about the yoga lifestyle. Every year, these events are held everywhere in the world. Not only the event subscriptions, but these events also provide more business opportunities like day-long one-on-one training, week-long workshops, boot camps, partner yoga, and more.
Yoga and Meditation Digital Platforms Subscriptions
To those who are passionate about yoga and those who are not, and to those who are pro and also those who are beginners, yoga and meditation digital platforms are attracting more subscribers than any other yoga business. It is easier, cheaper, and available.
Yoga trainers, yoga studios, yoga events planner, yoga associations, and all yoga stakeholders offer their services, digitally. In these times of chaos, people can keep themselves healthy, peaceful, and fit without losing their devotedness through these digital subscriptions.
Yoga and Other Services
Yoga becomes more popular when it gets bundled with other services. The subscriptions bundles or rundles covering yoga along with other complementary services like spa, aerobics, music, dance, community services, or more help more people to relate and connect with yoga.
Different gyms, personal care clubs, spas, and others are now offering their services as subscription bundles.
Yoga Subscription Boxes
From yoga apparel and mats to herbs and essential oils to organic food, and other products for yoga vibes, yoga subscription boxes are making it affordable and serene for people to retreat themselves with all at their places.
Yoga subscription boxes are an additional treat to make yoga memorable, passionate, and pleasant.
Yoga subscription boxes are available not only for yogi practitioners, but are also meant to cater to the needs of yoga teachers, trainers, studios, and experts.
Manage Yoga Subscription Billing with SubscriptionFlow
Grow the yoga subscription business and offer your subscribers hassle free recurring billing and payment services. SubscriptionFlow is a one-stop platform to automate all subscription management tasks and manage automated invoicing, billing, and payments.
Get an agile, reliable, flexible, and stable subscription management software to manage yoga subscriptions on-the-go.